Faith-based Organizations
FEMA Voluntary Agency and Donations Coordination
The FEMA Voluntary Agency and Donations Coordination Section promotes the interest of voluntary, faith-based, and community-based stakeholders by advocating for them and empowering their activities and integration across the disaster life-cycle and in every subject area in which they engage.
FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VALs) and Donations Specialists build relationships among Federal, State, and tribal governments and voluntary, faith-based, and community-based organizations by reporting to and from FEMA and other government agencies on programs of voluntary organizations active during disasters, providing information and guidance to organizations, and assisting States in strengthening State Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOADs).
VALs and Donations Specialists can provide information, support, and guidance on:
Learn more about how FEMA supports the efforts of faith-based organizations.