Culver City Ord. # 97-014, Section 1003.2.9. An Automatic fire-extinguishing (sprinkler) system shall be installed in every new building in the City, including any new residential building, hereinafter constructed or moved into the City, regardless of area separation or type of construction.
Section 1003.2.9(1) EXCEPTION: New buildings less than 500 square feet may be exempted with the concurrence of the Fire Chief and the Building Official.
Section 1003.2.9(2) In existing commercial, industrial and multi-family residential occupancies, fire sprinklers shall be required in existing and new portions of the building for height increase, area increases of 50% or more, and any occupancy change that increases fire risk or hazard.
Section 1003.2.9(3) Existing single family dwellings shall be required to install a full automatic fire sprinkler system in existing and new portions of the building when a story is added, more than 75% of the existing roof structure is replaced, or floor area is increased by more than 75%.