1. Community Risk Reduction

Carbon Monoxide--what is it and what do I need to do about it?

Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced from heaters, fireplaces, furnaces, and many types of appliances and cooking devices. It can also be produced from vehicles that are idling. Learn more about carbon monoxide Senate bill 183, also known as the "Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act," requires that a carbon monoxide (CO) device be installed in all dwelling units intended for human occupancy.

Emergency exits in place of business--can I modify the exits to prevent theft?

You can install alarm devices or other equipment that can give a warning and provide a delayed exit. Contact the Community Risk Reduction Division at (310) 253-5925 for the acceptable installation requirements before modifying or changing any exit door.

Fire alarm system--do I have to do anything to maintain or service it?

Yes. Per the California Fire Code, Article 10, you are responsible for the system and you are required to keep the system operating properly at all times and under the control of a qualified person. You can find the standard for the testing, maintenance and record keeping in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) pamphlet Standard 72 available from NFPA (800) 344-3555.

Fire extinguishers--does the fire department service them?

No, but you may contact the Community Risk Reduction Division at (310) 253-5925 for the latest information on state-approved and Culver City-approved contractors.

Fire extinguishers--who services them?

Contact the Fire Prevention Division (310) 253-5925 for the latest information on contractors who are acceptable to the state and Culver City.

Fire sprinkler inspections--will the fire department show me how to do my own quarterly inspections?

Yes. Contact the Community Risk Reduction Division (310) 253-5925 to make an appointment.

Fire sprinkler system contractor--where can I find one?

The Community Risk Reduction Division has a list of registered contractors who install fire sprinklers. You can also go to the yellow pages for any licensed contractor registered as a C-16 Fire Protection Contractor. You can also contact the California Contractors State License Board for a complete list of licensed C-16 contractors.

Fire sprinklers and home remodel--do I have to put fire sprinklers in my house if I remodel?

Culver City Ord. # 97-014, Section 1003.2.9. An Automatic fire-extinguishing (sprinkler) system shall be installed in every new building in the City, including any new residential building, hereinafter constructed or moved into the City, regardless of area separation or type of construction.

Section 1003.2.9(1) EXCEPTION: New buildings less than 500 square feet may be exempted with the concurrence of the Fire Chief and the Building Official.

Section 1003.2.9(2) In existing commercial, industrial and multi-family residential occupancies, fire sprinklers shall be required in existing and new portions of the building for height increase, area increases of 50% or more, and any occupancy change that increases fire risk or hazard.

Section 1003.2.9(3) Existing single family dwellings shall be required to install a full automatic fire sprinkler system in existing and new portions of the building when a story is added, more than 75% of the existing roof structure is replaced, or floor area is increased by more than 75%.

Fire sprinklers and home remodel--do I have to put them in the garage?

If the garage is detached from the main building without any physical connection between the two buildings, then fire sprinklers are not required in the garage.

Fire sprinklers and home remodel--do I have to put them in the new portions of the building only?

When fire sprinklers are required, the installation must be in the new and existing portions of the building.

Fire sprinklers in my place of business--am I responsible for maintenance or service?

Yes. You are required to provide quarterly maintenance and inspections per the California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, and a complete inspection is required by a licensed C-16 Fire Protection Contractor every five years. Contact Fire Prevention (310) 253-5925 for forms, permit fee information, and testing requirements.

Fire sprinklers--can I install them myself?

Yes. If you can show you have the ability to perform this installation, contact Fire Prevention (310) 253-5925 for more information.

Hazardous material spill--who do I contact?

Hazardous materials--does Culver City have a program?

Yes. You should contact the hazardous materials specialist at (310) 253-5925 to ensure you are in compliance.

Hazardous material--what is it?

A hazardous material is any product that has a warning, danger, or caution sticker on the container and presents a physical or health hazard. Example: I want to open a new plastics business in Culver City; do I need to speak to anyone regarding the chemicals I use? YES! It is best to contact the hazardous materials specialist at (310) 253-5925 prior to signing a lease to ensure that the building can be used for your type of operation.

Home security system--can I connect my smoke detector so it dispatches the fire department?

No. The California Building Code requires that the residential smoke detector is local, for occupant notification only.

You can have a commercial type fire alarm system installed. That system, after review and approval from the fire department, can dispatch for fire response.

How do I get rid of old paint stored in my garage?

Call CleanLA at (888) 253-2652 or visit the Clean LA website for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event schedule.

Permit and plan check fees--where do I find the fee schedule?

Check out the City's Fees and Charges Schedule.

Smoke Alarms--how often should I change the batteries?

You should change your batteries twice a year and we recommend you change them each time you set your clocks for standard time and daylight saving time.



2. Emergency Medical Services

I am interested in getting an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Incident Report--what do I do?

You must present a request for a copy of an EMS report in person to the Culver City Fire Department Administration Office located on the third floor of Culver City City Hall, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232. Due to COVID-19, temporarily, inquiries can be sent via email.

  • Patient Requesting Copy:  Photo identification is required and a waiver must be signed by the patient.
  • Family Member of Deceased Patient Requesting Copy:  Family member can obtain copy of EMS report with proof of death (Death Certificate, photo identification, and a waiver must be signed). 
  • An attorney can obtain a copy with a HIPAA compliant signed release form from the patient or via subpoena.
  • Parent or Guardian Requesting Copy of minor's EMS Report:  A parent or guardian can obtain a copy of a minor's EMS report with child's birth certificate and parent/guardian Identification.
  • The cost of obtaining a copy of the report is $5.00. Please make checks payable to the CITY OF CULVER CITY.

Where can I safely get rid of expired or unwanted medicine?

SAFE Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers*

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events*

*Note: It is illegal for household hazardous waste collection centers and events to collect controlled substances. You must take controlled substances to an approved Controlled Substance Public Disposal Location.

Prescription Drug Take Back Day Events

The Police Department, in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration, typically hosts a collection event in April and/or October of each year.

Why can't I go to any hospital that I want?

It is the Culver City Fire Department's policy to try, whenever possible, to transport each patient to his or her hospital of choice. However, depending on the severity of a patient's condition, we cannot always spend the additional time it would take to reach a patient’s choice hospital. In addition, mandates require paramedics to take certain types of patients, i.e., serious traffic accidents, to the nearest Trauma Center. Hospitals may also divert paramedics when they are extremely busy to allow for more rapid treatment.

Why do I have to pay for transport to the hospital?

Because not every member of the community utilizes these services equally, it is a way for the city to recover some of the cost associated with the operation of a municipal fire department.

Why does dispatch send a fire truck when I called for paramedics?

Most medical emergencies require multiple personnel to perform the various tasks associated with patient care.



3. Fire Suppression

How do I become a firefighter?

If you have graduated from high school or have your GED, and have participated in Los Angeles or Orange County Fire Chiefs’ Physical Ability Test (CPAT), and positions are available, you may apply by contacting the City’s Human Resources Department. You could also find a local junior college with a fire technology major, or a fire academy, and enroll while waiting for positions to become available.

I am interested in getting a Fire Incident Report--what do I do?

The Culver City Fire Department develops Fire Incident Reports for all fires within the City of Culver City. 

The cost of obtaining a copy of a report is $5.00 payable to the "City of Culver City"

Requests must include your contact information, the fire incident date, location of the file and name of those involved.

Requests can be submitted via email or through U.S. Mail to: 

Culver City Fire Department
9770 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232


Is there a difference between a fire truck and a fire engine?

Yes, there is. A fire engine has hose, a water tank, a pump (to pump water) and a small assortment of ladders. A fire truck usually does not have a pump, hose, or water tank, but has a tall ladder fixed to the truck and over 100 feet of portable ladders along with additional equipment. The fire truck is most often thought of the "Hook and Ladder" with a tillerman steering the rear of the trailer section of the ladder.

Leaking fire hydrant--what do I do?

Please call Golden State Water for assistance and hydrant service at (800) 999-4033.

What are the qualifications for firefighter?

Each department has slightly different qualifications, but for the Culver City Fire Department you need to have graduated from high school or have a GED and participated in the Los Angeles or Orange County Fire Chiefs’ Physical Ability Test (CPAT). These qualifications may change without notice so it is best to check with the City’s Human Resources Department prior to applying.

When does the department hire firefighters?

The fire department hires additional firefighters when positions become available through retirements or after injuries. There is no specific time of year when positions become available. The best way to check for openings is to visit the Human Resources Department or give them a call at (310) 253-5640 and ask when they anticipate hiring entry-level firefighters.

Why do I always see fire trucks parked at the grocery store?

Because firefighters are required to work a 24-hour tour of duty, they shop for and prepare their meals each day. They do this because it is more convenient when responding to emergency calls.



4. Tours and Public Education

How do I ensure I have installed my child's car seat properly?

Visit the California Highway Patrol (CHP) website for detailed info. If you are not confident on how to properly secure your child in a safety seat, contact your local CHP Office and ask to speak with a passenger safety technician.

Culver City’s Local Office is: 
West Los Angeles CHP (565)
6300 Bristol Parkway
Culver City, CA 90230
Directions to the West Los Angeles CHP Office

(310) 642-3939

Office hours:
Monday – Friday - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

I would like to host a public education event--what do I do?

Contact the Community Risk Reduction Division at (310) 253-5925.

I would like to schedule a fire station tour--what do I do?

Culver City Fire Station tours are conducted only on Fridays, except the first Friday of the month. Tours are available at 10:30 am or 1:30 pm. Groups of children must have one adult for every six children. Our station tours are designed for schools and organizations within the Culver City. Citizens of Culver City interested in touring the Fire Stations are encouraged to attend our Annual Fire Service Day, an open house event held in May.

Tours are conducted at:

  • Fire Station 1 - Headquarters, 9600 Culver Boulevard
  • Fire Station 2 - 11252 Washington Boulevard
  • Fire Station 3 - 6030 Bristol Parkway

Submit a tour request

Where can I learn CPR?

Periodically, the Department hosts Hands-Only CPR events. You can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep up-to-date on upcoming events.

The American Heart Association and the American Red Cross offer CPR Certification Courses.